Learn How to Successfully Dream Feed your Baby

Last Updated: 
August 19, 2024
 minutes read
Written by
Mandy Treeby
Chief Baby Sleep Consultant
Medically reviewed by
Elissa Gross, DO
Board Certified Pediatrician & Lactation Consultant

[no-toc] What is Dream Feeding and How Does It Work?

Babies need a lot of two things: feedings and sleep. So, what happens when those two needs converge? How can you feed your baby at night and ensure they get the rest they need to keep growing big and strong? Try a dream feed.

In this article we’ll explain what dream feeding is, the best way to dream feed, and how dream feeding can make your life easier, too.


What is Dream Feeding?

Dream feeding is a method in which you feed your young baby while they’re half-asleep. By dream feeding, you provide your baby with the nutrients they need while also allowing them to continue sleeping.

Often times dream feeding happens before you, the parent or caretaker, go to sleep. Since babies need early bedtimes, many stay up for a few hours after baby goes to sleep. If you do, you can baby dream feed before you go to bed.

If you are not up that late or your baby typically feeds later than you’re up, you should set your alarm a few minutes ahead of their typical wake-up time.

When Do I Dream Feed?

Dream feeding happens in that time between newborn stage, when sleep is super disorganized, and 4-6 months, when your baby’s circadian rhythm begins to develop and they can sleep for longer periods.

That said, many babies benefit from dream feeding between 2-4 months, when they often can sleep for 2-3 hours without waking to feed.

What Time Should I Dream Feed?

If dream feeding, try and wait 2-3 hours between your baby’s last meal of the day and dream feeding. You want your baby to be hungry enough to take milk but not so hungry that they wake up ahead of you.

Some parents choose to dream feed before going to bed. Others choose to set an alarm to dream feed their baby before returning to bed. It largely depends on your baby’s schedule. That said, wait for your baby to be in a deeper, REM sleep – we explain baby sleep cycles here. REM sleep is deeper sleep. This means that your baby will be less likely to wake when you lift them for a dream feed.

How Do I Dream Feed?

Whether you dream feed before bed or you set an alarm to get up in the night to dream feed, the how to dream feed process typically stays the same:

  • Gently remove your baby from their crib and gently rouse them. Good, tender ways to rouse your baby without fully waking them include tickling their feet, dabbing their forehead or cheeks with a damp washcloth, or changing their diaper if it’s dirty.
  • Keep your voice and lights low. Any loud noises or bright light may fully wake your baby.
  • When you baby rouses a bit, place your nipple or bottle to their lips. Most babies will instinctually latch on without waking up.
  • Allow your baby to feed until they’re done.
  • Burp them with delicate motions. (Many babies burp at dream feed!)
  • Place your baby on their back in their crib.
  • Go back to sleep – you deserve all you can get!

What is the Best Position for Dream Feeding?

To dream feed, follow the same positioning as if your baby were fully awake. For many babies this is slightly upright in your arms to avoid too much gas intake.

What If My Baby Falls Asleep While Dream Feeding?

While you typically do not want to feed your baby until they fall asleep, it’s alright if this happens during dream feeding because your baby has already fallen asleep for the night.

A reason you typically don’t want to feed your baby until they fall asleep is because then feeding can become a sleep crutch. The goal of sleep training is to help your baby develop the skill of falling asleep independently without any cuddling, feeding, or extra parental assistance – once they are old enough and ready. If your baby becomes accustomed to falling asleep while eating, they may start to expect to feed to fall asleep. Even if you sleep train, you can feed your baby during the night and respond to their needs, you just want them to be able to fall back asleep in their crib on their own after eating.

For more tips on how to create a healthy sleep routine and overcome any of your baby’s challenging sleep habits, download the Smart Sleep Coach by Pampers™. It will guide you step-by-step on how to build health sleep habits and if needed, get your baby’s sleep back on track.

How Do I Burp While Dream Feeding?

Many wonder how to burp at dream feed. Burping can be done similarly during dream feeds as during the day, but we recommend being even gentler. If your baby fusses and you soothe them, keep your voice low.

The best positions to burp at dream feed are:

  • Over Your Shoulder: An easy and unobtrusive position is an over-the-shoulder burp – just remember to put a spit towel on your shoulder!
  • On Your Lap: Lay your baby across your knees or lap and gently pat their back until they burp.

Though sitting up is an effective burping method – supporting your baby in the sitting position – it may wake your baby more than you want.

What if My Baby Doesn’t Burp After Dream Feeding?

It’s alright if your baby doesn’t burp after dream feeding. If they don’t burp, they’ll likely pass gas later. If, however, they fuss and cry after dream feeding, then definitely give burping another go – if your baby has woken enough to cry, a little burping could help them feel comfortable enough to fall back asleep.

How Dream Feeding Helps Parents

While it can be a bit difficult setting an alarm to wake up ahead of your baby, it tends to be far better than the hectic, harried feeling of waking to a screaming, hungry baby. One of the first benefits of dream feeding is that you're in control, rather than reacting to your baby's cries for food.

One of the other benefits of dream feeding is sleep (for you and your little one). Since dream feeding may help your baby sleep longer at night between feeds, you both get more sleep – a benefit for parents that has broader effects than just being well-rested. Getting more sleep can help improve your mood, relationship, safety, and parenting.

How Long Can You Dream Feed?


Dream feeding is a very utilitarian practice that should only be done for a few weeks as a way to help your baby sleep longer while they’re still feeding often. It should be completed by the time your baby is between 4 and 6 months old.

When Do I Stop Dream Feeding?

A typical recommendation is to stop dream feeding when your baby can sleep a longer stretch without feeding, which usually happens around 4-6 months. At that point your baby’s circadian rhythm has started to develop and their sleeps will start to consolidate at night.

Around this time is when your baby starts to recognize patterns. Therefore, dream feeding for too long may form a habit in which your baby starts waking up for a mid-night meal.

Remember every baby is different. Speak to your pediatrician if you have any questions and concerns about your baby dream feeding or dropping a night feed.

What’s the Difference Between a Dream Feed and Night Feed?

A dream feed is used only when your baby cannot stay asleep for longer than a few hours without feeding. Dream feeds are best for smaller or newer babies.

Unlike a dream feed, a night feed is a feeding that takes place at night after your baby has started to sleep for longer stretches. Night feedings usually last longer than dream feeds – some babies are ready to night wean at 5 months while others may need to feed overnight until they are 9 months old, some later.

It's good practice to establish ‘ok to feed’ times overnight as not every time your baby wakes do they actually need a feed. Many babies will get into the habit of snacking or feeding all night, which is exhausting for you!

If you’re looking for help with overnight wakings and when to feed, take this free sleep assessment and get a personalized plan tailored just to you. No matter what, it's always a good idea to check with your pediatrician before deciding to night wean.

Should I Change My Baby’s Diaper After Dream Feeding?

It depends. Generally, it’s best not to change your baby’s diaper overnight unless they’ve made a bowel movement. Wet diapers can typically be left until morning if the diaper is absorbent (like an overnight diaper) and if your baby sleeps through it. If your baby wakes because of their wet diaper, definitely change it then. Best practice is that if your baby poops while sleeping or during a dream feed, it should be changed as soon as possible.

Final Thoughts

Getting your baby to sleep longer stretches at night can be daunting, but dream feeding is a great way to offer your baby the nutrients they need while also ensuring they get the sleep they need to grow and thrive. Plus, dream feeding may help put some structure around the chaos that is having an infant – a dream feeding benefit is that it can give you a bit more control of what your night may look like.

Even though dream feeding is not a long-term solution, it’s a great way to bridge the time between newborn and when your baby is biologically able to sleep longer stretches. If you have questions about dream feeding or feeding in general when it comes to your little one, speak to your pediatrician.

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Better Sleep Without Sleep Training is Possible
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Looking to Drop a Night Feed?
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Looking to Drop a Night Feed?
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Studies show new parents can lose as much as two hours of sleep every night after their baby comes!

“Thanks to the Smart Sleep Schedule, I’ve been able to follow my baby’s natural rhythm, and stick to the wake windows. This makes a huge difference in her ability to nap longer.”

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Studies show new parents can lose as much as two hours of sleep every night after their baby comes!
Looking to drop a night feed?

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Thanks to the Smart Sleep Schedule, I’ve been able to follow my baby’s natural rhythm, and stick to the wake windows. This makes a huge difference in her ability to nap longer.

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Dream feeding shouldn't lead to more gas than a regular feeding. Burping your baby after a dream feed is just like burping them after a normal feed, though your motions may be a bit gentler. Also, keep your voice and lights low during dream feeds to avoid waking your baby.

Some parents dream feed their baby and not burp them. However, not burping your baby may lead to some discomfort and crying for some babies. This isn’t the case for all babies, though – you’ll soon get a sense of how gassy or not gassy your baby becomes after meals. Generally speaking, it’s common practice to burp your baby after a feeding, which includes dream feeding.

Every baby is unique, but generally between 10-11pm is a good time for dream feeding. It should be more than 3 hours since your baby’s last feeding and that way it will give them enough sustenance to stay asleep until their usual wakeup.

Dream feeds should only be done for a limited time to help your young baby stay asleep. If you dream feed for too long past when your baby is 4-6 months old, your baby may develop the habit of waking up in the middle of the night for that feed, which defeats the purpose.

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How We Wrote This Article

The information in this article is based on the expert advice found in trusted medical and government sources, such as the American Academy of Pediatrics and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. You can find a full list of sources used for this article below. The content on this page should not replace professional medical advice. Always consult medical professionals for full diagnosis and treatment.


Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine, “Infant sleep and night feeding patterns during later infancy: association with breastfeeding frequency, daytime complementary food intake, and infant weight”

BMC Public Health, “The effect of mild sleep deprivation on diet and eating behaviour in children: protocol for the Daily Rest, Eating, and Activity Monitoring (DREAM) randomized cross-over trial”  

Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, & Neonatal Nursing, “Infant sleep and feeding

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