11-Month-Old Baby: Milestones and Development

Last Updated: 
March 21, 2023
 minutes read
Written by
Mandy Treeby
Chief Baby Sleep Consultant
Medically reviewed by
Elissa Gross, DO
Board Certified Pediatrician & Lactation Consultant

As babies approach their first birthday, they reach many exciting milestones that signal their growth and development. By 11 months old, most babies have mastered many of the basic skills they will need to navigate the world around them. This article explores some of the key developmental milestones to look out for in your 11-month-old baby:


Sleep for a 11-Month Old

Sleep is crucial for an 11-month-old baby's growth and development. By this age, most babies will be sleeping through the night for 10-12 hours at a time, with 2 naps during the day. However, it's important to remember that every baby is different and some may have different sleep patterns or needs.

Establishing a consistent sleep routine can be helpful in promoting good sleep habits for your baby. This may include a regular bedtime, a calming pre-sleep routine, such as a bath or story time, and a consistent sleep environment, such as a dark, quiet room with a comfortable temperature.

It's important to remember that occasional sleep disturbances are normal for babies, and it's not uncommon for them to wake up during the night. However, if your baby is consistently having trouble sleeping, it may be helpful to speak with your pediatrician. They can help identify any underlying issues and provide guidance on how to establish healthy sleep habits for your baby

If your baby is having difficulty sleeping, start your free sleep assessment and get a personalized sleep plan from the Smart Sleep Coach by Pampers™ this innovative app can help you get your baby’s sleep back on track in as little as 7-days.

3 Things you can do to help your 11-month old with sleep:

  1. Establish a consistent nap and bedtime routine .
  2. Follow a sleep schedule – the Smart Sleep Coach by Pampers can help you get your baby’s sleep in tune with their biological rhythm.
  3. Keep bedtimes flexible – within an hour or so – when naps go well you can use a slightly later bedtime, and use an earlier bedtime when naps don’t go so well.

Your 11-Month Old’s Physical Development

At 11 months, your baby is becoming more coordinated and confident in their movements. They may be able to crawl quickly and efficiently, pull themselves up to stand while holding onto furniture, or take a few wobbly steps with support. They may also enjoy exploring their environment and testing their physical abilities by climbing over obstacles or trying to reach for objects just out of their grasp.

In addition to gross motor skills, 11-month-olds are also developing their fine motor skills. They are becoming more skilled at manipulating objects with their hands, such as picking up small toys or using a spoon to feed themselves. They may also be able to point to objects or people they want to interact with, and may even be able to wave goodbye.

As a parent or caregiver, there are many ways you can support your baby's physical development. Providing a safe environment for your baby to explore and practice their emerging physical skills is key. You can also encourage their gross motor development by providing plenty of opportunities for movement, such as time to crawl and play. Activities such as playing with soft balls or toys, stacking blocks, or practicing holding and using utensils can help promote their fine motor development.

If you have any concerns about your baby's physical development, it's important to speak with your pediatrician. They can offer guidance on what to expect at this age and provide advice on how to support your baby's growth and development. With plenty of love, attention, and support, your baby will continue to thrive and reach new milestones in their physical development.

Your 11-Month Old’s Cognitive Development

One of the most significant cognitive developments at this age is object permanence. Your baby is beginning to understand that objects exist even when they are out of sight. They may look for a toy that has been hidden under a blanket or in a container, indicating that they understand that the object is still there, even if they can't see it.

In addition to object permanence, 11-month-olds are also developing their memory and problem-solving skills. They may be able to remember the location of a favorite toy or recognize familiar people or objects. They may also be able to solve simple problems, such as figuring out how to get a toy that is out of reach.

Babies at this age are also becoming more social and interactive. They may respond to their name, engage in games such as peek-a-boo, and enjoy imitating the actions and sounds of others. They may also begin to develop a sense of humor and enjoy making others laugh.

As a caregiver, there are many ways to support your baby's cognitive development. Providing a safe and stimulating environment with plenty of opportunities for exploration and play is key. Reading books, singing songs, and engaging in interactive play can all help promote your baby's cognitive development.

If you have any concerns about your baby's cognitive development, it's important to speak with your pediatrician. They can offer guidance on what to expect at this age and provide advice on how to support your baby's growth and development. With plenty of love, attention, and support, your baby will continue to thrive and reach new milestones in their cognitive development .

11-Month Old Growth: Weight and Height

In terms of growth, the average length and weight of an 11-month-old baby varies depending on their gender.

Boys Growth at 11-months

The average length of a boy at this age is around 30 inches (76.2 cm), while the average weight is approximately 20.3 lbs (9.2 kg).

Girls Growth at 11-months

For girls, the average length is slightly less than boys 29.5 inches (74.9 cm), and the average weight is around 18.7 lbs (8.5 kg).

It's important to note that every baby is different and may not necessarily fall within these averages. Genetics, nutrition, and other factors can all play a role in a baby's growth and development. However, if you have concerns about your baby's growth or development, it's always best to consult with your healthcare professional.

How much does an 11-month old eat

The amount of food an 11-month-old baby eats can vary depending on their individual appetite and dietary needs. At this age, most babies are typically consuming a mix of breast milk or formula, and solid foods.

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, an 11-month-old baby should be eating three meals a day, plus two to three snacks. Each meal should consist of a variety of foods from different food groups, including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and proteins such as meat, poultry, fish, or beans. The portions should be small, typically around a quarter to half a cup of each food, and they can be gradually increased as the baby's appetite grows.

Breast milk or formula should still be the primary source of nutrition at this age, and babies may be consuming around 16-24 ounces of milk per day, divided into two to three feedings. It's also important to offer water in a cup with meals and throughout the day to help prevent dehydration.

As with growth and development, every baby is different and may require different amounts of food. It's important to pay attention to your baby's hunger and fullness cues, and to consult with a healthcare provider if you have any concerns about their eating habits or nutrition.

Should you wake an 11-month old to feed?

In general, your 11-month-old baby is getting all of the calories they need during the day. Typically not only do you not need to wake an 11-month-old baby to feed them, but equally you don’t need to offer a feed if they wake themselves in the middle of the night.

However, in the rare event that your baby is not gaining weight well, or if they are experiencing any health issues that require frequent feedings, your healthcare provider may recommend waking them to feed.

What to Expect at Your 11-Month-Old’s Wellness Check

Your 11-month-old’s wellness check typically involves a physical examination, developmental assessment, and a discussion about your baby’s feeding and sleep habits. Here are some of the things you can expect at your baby's 11-month checkup:

  • Physical exam: The healthcare provider will check your baby's height, weight, head circumference, and body mass index (BMI) to ensure that they are growing and developing appropriately. They will also examine your baby's eyes, ears, nose, mouth, heart, lungs, abdomen, and limbs for any signs of illness or abnormalities.
  • Developmental assessment: The healthcare provider will assess your baby's development by asking questions and observing their behavior. They will check your baby's motor skills, such as sitting, crawling, and standing, as well as their language and communication skills, such as babbling and understanding words.
  • Feeding and nutrition: The healthcare provider will discuss your baby's feeding habits and offer guidance on introducing new foods and transitioning to solid foods. They will also check for signs of iron-deficiency anemia and discuss the need for vitamin supplements.
  • Sleep patterns: The healthcare provider will ask about your baby's sleep patterns and offer advice on establishing a consistent sleep routine.
  • Safety issues: The healthcare provider will discuss safety issues , such as car seat safety, water safety, and household hazards. They may also offer advice on childproofing your home and preventing accidents.

Overall, an 11-month wellness check is an opportunity to ensure that your baby is growing and developing normally, and to address any concerns or questions you may have about your baby's health and well-being. It's important to attend all recommended well-child visits and to consult with a healthcare provider if you have any concerns about your baby's growth or development.

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Curious if the Chair Method is Right for You?
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Curious if the Gentle Method is Right for You?
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Curious if the Ferber Method is Right for You?
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Curious if Pick Up, Put Down is Right for You?
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Want to Shorten a Sleep Regression?
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Better Sleep Without Sleep Training is Possible
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Looking to Drop a Night Feed?
Tell us a bit about your baby’s sleep and we’ll create your custom plan – for free!
Looking to Drop a Night Feed?
Tell us a bit about your baby’s sleep and we’ll create your custom plan – for free!
Your Baby Can Be A Super Sleeper
Your personalized sleep plan is a few clicks away! Step-by-step sleep training with the Smart Sleep Coach app.
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Studies show new parents can lose as much as two hours of sleep every night after their baby comes!

“Thanks to the Smart Sleep Schedule, I’ve been able to follow my baby’s natural rhythm, and stick to the wake windows. This makes a huge difference in her ability to nap longer.”

Learn More
Tell us a bit about your baby’s sleep and we’ll create your custom plan – for free!
Studies show new parents can lose as much as two hours of sleep every night after their baby comes!
Looking to drop a night feed?

Tell us a bit about your baby’s sleep and we’ll create your custom plan – for free!

What parents tell us

Thanks to the Smart Sleep Schedule, I’ve been able to follow my baby’s natural rhythm, and stick to the wake windows. This makes a huge difference in her ability to nap longer.

Discover the Smart Sleep Schedule
in this article:


At 11 months old, a baby should be able to crawl, pull up to a standing position, take a few steps while holding onto furniture, babble and say a few words, show interest in playing with others, recognize familiar objects and people, imitate simple actions, and eat a variety of foods. However, it's important to remember that every baby develops at their own pace, and some may reach these milestones earlier or later than others.

At 11 months old, a baby may be able to say a few words, such as "mama" or "dada," and understand simple commands. However, it's important to remember that language development varies greatly among babies and some may not be saying any words yet, while others may have a vocabulary of a few words or more.

An 11-month-old is typically considered an infant, as they are still in their first year of life. The transition to toddlerhood generally occurs around 12-18 months when a baby becomes more independent and mobile, such as taking their first unassisted steps.

Some red flags to look out for in an 11-month-old's development may include a lack of interest in their surroundings, not responding to their name, not making any sounds or babbling, not crawling or making any attempts to move around, and not being able to sit up without support. If you notice any of these signs or have concerns about your baby's development, it's important to discuss them with your healthcare provider.

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How We Wrote This Article

The information in this article is based on the expert advice found in trusted medical and government sources, such as the American Academy of Pediatrics and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. You can find a full list of sources used for this article below. The content on this page should not replace professional medical advice. Always consult medical professionals for full diagnosis and treatment.







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