13-Month-Old: Milestones and Development

Last Updated: 
May 3, 2023
 minutes read
Written by
Mandy Treeby
Chief Baby Sleep Consultant
Medically reviewed by
Elissa Gross, DO
Board Certified Pediatrician & Lactation Consultant

At 13 months old, your child has just passed the 1-year mark and there’s plenty of surprises to look forward to (for you, and for them!). As your little one enters toddlerhood they’ll be exploring the world around them with increasing curiosity and independence. In this article, we will outline the major developmental milestones that most babies achieve around 13 months, as well as some tips to encourage and support your baby's development. We'll also discuss some things to look for that may signal problems, and what parents should do if they notice them.


Sleep for a 13-Month-Old

Sleep is vital for a 13-month-old baby's growth and development. At this age, babies should be sleeping 12-15 hours per day (that’s about 11-12 hours of night-time sleep and two daytime naps averaging 1-1.5 hours each). Note: for babies who were born early, it's important to go by their adjusted age for sleep development.

As your child develops their motor skills (more on this later), you might see new challenges arise when trying to put them down for bed. One example is that they start to enjoy playing the game of throwing their pacifier out of the crib at bedtime. To avoid this, try giving them only 1 or 2 pacifiers at bedtime and place a few extras in the crib after they've fallen asleep. This will ensure they have a pacifier nearby when they wake during the night and won't need to call out for your help.

It's also important to consider meal times when it comes to your baby's sleep habits. If your 13 month old is waking up early, it may be because dinner is being offered too early in the evening. Babies at this age can have difficulty going 12 hours (or more) in between meals, so a 5:00 PM dinner can lead to a 5:00 AM morning wake up. Breaking this sleep habit can be tough, so it's best to adjust meal times accordingly. By keeping these development milestones in mind, you can help ensure your baby is getting the rest they need for healthy growth and development.

How to ensure your 13-month old gets the sleep they need

Creating a consistent sleep routine can be beneficial in promoting healthy sleep habits for your baby. This involves having a regular bedtime, along with a calming pre-sleep routine, and the right sleep environment set up: pitch dark, quiet room, and a comfortable temperature.

If you're struggling with adjusting your baby's sleep schedule, or setting up the right environment for sleep, the Smart Sleep Coach by Pampers™ app can help. It offers step-by-step guidance for adjusting your baby's sleep routine and can also help you teach your baby self-soothing techniques. By promoting independent sleeping, you can help your baby develop healthy sleep habits that will benefit them in the long run.

If your baby is having difficulty sleeping, start your free sleep assessment and receive a personalized sleep plan in a few minutes! This innovative app can help you get your baby’s sleep back on track in as little as 7 days.

Physical Development Milestones

At 13 months, most babies can crawl, stand, and may even take their first steps. Their physical development ranges from gross to fine motor skills, and also involves improvement in hand-eye coordination.

Gross motor skillsAt 13 months old, your baby is likely crawling, standing, and exploring the art of walking, either with assistance from you, holding onto furniture, or even taking small steps independently! They may also be able to climb stairs, kick a ball, and walk backward.

Fine motor skills For a couple of months now, your child has been developing and fine-tuning their pincer grasp skill (that’s the ability to use their forefinger and thumb together to pinch or grasp an object). This makes them more capable in many ways, but you’ll soon find out it also leads to a little more mess, especially at meal-time. Since your 13-month-old is more skilled at using their hands and fingers, they can now pick up small objects with their fingers and thumb, turn the pages of a book, and for the messy part, they may be using some utensils (spoon or fork–though it may take some practice for them to get the hang of it), or drinking from a sippy cup or straw.

Hand-eye coordinationThis goes hand in hand with the fine motor skills we just talked about. Many children at this age enjoy "putting things in" and "taking them out," such as placing objects like blocks into larger containers and then dumping them out. Your baby may also enjoy building small towers out of blocks and then knocking them down.

It's important to keep in mind that at this age, children can't yet understand concepts like fragility or danger. As a result, putting away breakables and anything else you don't want your child to get into will make your life easier.

How to encourage your 13-month's old’s physical development
To encourage physical development, parents can provide a safe and stimulating environment for their baby to explore. Offer plenty of opportunities for playtime and provide toys that promote physical activity, such as push toys and ride-on toys. Also go for opportunities to explore their surroundings through play. Consider putting childproof locks on your cabinets and designating one cabinet for your child to explore. This will not only keep your child safe, but it will also provide them with an opportunity to practice their "grasp and release" skills and learn about cause and effect by investigating what's behind the cabinet door. To keep things interesting, you can update the “explore cabinet” every few days with a different selection of unbreakable objects like wooden spoons, plastic cups, and pots and pans. How fun!

Cognitive Development Milestones

At 13 months, babies are becoming more aware of their surroundings and developing their cognitive abilities. Some cognitive development milestones to watch for include:

  • Understanding simple words like "no" and "bye-bye". When you say "no" in a stern tone of voice, they may stop what they're doing or pause briefly before continuing. Similarly, when you say "bye-bye" while waving, they may begin to understand that it means someone is leaving.
  • Recognizing familiar people and objects. They may smile or show excitement when they see a favorite toy or a family member they recognize. They may also become upset or anxious when they encounter something unfamiliar.
  • Pointing to objects or pictures when asked. You might also notice that they point to things they want or are interested in, or that they point to things they don't understand and want clarification about.
  • Copying simple actions like clapping or waving. This is a sign that they are beginning to understand the concept of imitation and social interaction.
  • Exploring objects by shaking, banging, and dropping them. Your 13-month-old is becoming increasingly curious about the world around them, and they be exploring constantly. They may also start to notice how different objects feel, taste, or smell. This is an important part of their cognitive development, as it helps them learn about cause-and-effect relationships and how the world works.

Tips to encourage cognitive development for your 13 month old baby

1. Engage in conversation: Encourage your child's language skills by talking to them frequently, using simple words and phrases. Engage in conversations and ask them questions, even if they cannot answer yet.

2. Label objects and actions: Label objects and actions during your daily routines. For example, when you are dressing your child, you can label the different pieces of clothing or when you are cooking, label the different ingredients and actions.

3. Encourage exploration: Allow your child to explore their surroundings, such as by providing age-appropriate toys that encourage exploration, such as blocks or balls. Encourage them to touch and manipulate objects to learn more about them.

4. Read together: Reading together is a great way to encourage cognitive development. Choose books with simple pictures and labels of objects, animals, and people. Point to the pictures and name them as you read.

5. Play simple games: Play simple games with your child, such as peek-a-boo or hiding toys under a blanket. These games help your child develop their memory, attention, and problem-solving skills.

6. Encourage social interactions: Encourage your child to interact with other children and adults, as this helps them develop their social and emotional skills. Attend playgroups or other activities where your child can interact with others their age.

Remember that each child develops at their own pace, and it's important to allow them to explore and learn in their own way. Encourage their curiosity and offer support and guidance as they develop their cognitive skills.

Social and Emotional Development Milestones

At 13 months old, toddlers are becoming more independent and self-absorbed, but they still rely heavily on you and other main caregivers for attention and comfort. Your child may not be interested in interacting with other children yet, but they are starting to recognize their own power and can make their wants and needs known through gestures and tugging.

Separation anxiety may also be a significant challenge at this age, as toddlers may become upset when separated from their primary caregiver. Despite this, they are capable of being left with others and will often recover quickly after some initial tears. As with all phases, this too will pass, and separation anxiety typically peaks between 10 and 18 months before gradually fading away.

Some major social and emotional milestones to look for

  • Waving "hello" and "goodbye": At around 13 months, many babies start to learn the social skill of waving "hello" and "goodbye." They may start to understand that waving is a way to communicate with others and can be used to acknowledge someone's presence or departure.
  • Responding to their name when called. This is a sign that they are starting to understand the concept of their own name and that they are a separate individual from others.
  • Showing affection to familiar people. As babies become more social and interact with familiar people on a regular basis, they may start to show affection towards those people. This could include smiling at them, reaching out to be picked up, or cuddling with them.
  • Demonstrating a sense of humor. Around 13 months, babies may start to demonstrate a sense of humor by laughing at silly or unexpected things. They may also enjoy making others laugh by doing something silly or making funny noises.
  • Displaying frustration or tantrums when things don't go their way . This is a normal part of development as they learn how to communicate their needs and wants.
  • Playing games like peek-a-boo and pat-a-cake. These games help to develop social skills, as well as hand-eye coordination and cognitive abilities.

Separation anxiety and stranger anxiety for 13 month olds

Separation anxiety and stranger anxiety are common social and emotional developments that occur around this age. Separation anxiety is when a child becomes upset or anxious when separated from their primary caregiver. This can result in clinginess, crying, and refusing to be comforted by anyone else. Stranger anxiety is when a child becomes fearful or anxious around unfamiliar people, often resulting in crying, clinging, or hiding behind the caregiver.

It's important to remember that these are normal stages of development and can be seen as signs that your child is developing healthy attachments to their primary caregivers. To help ease separation and stranger anxiety, try to introduce new people or situations gradually and with support from familiar caregivers. You can also provide comfort items such as a favorite toy or blanket to help your child feel secure in new environments.

To encourage social and emotional development, make sure to offer more opportunities for social interaction, such as playdates and family outings. Responding to their baby's emotions with empathy and understanding can also foster healthy emotional development.

Feeding for a 13-Month-Old

As your toddler continues to grow and develop, their appetite may change as well. It's normal for a one-year-old to become a bit pickier and eat less than they used to, even though they are more active now. While you can't force your child to eat more, you can control what they have to choose from.

How to maintain a balanced diet for your 13-month old

Don't worry too much about providing a perfectly balanced diet for your 13-month-old at every meal. Instead, focus on offering a variety of healthy options for meals and snacks. Your child will naturally eat what their body needs over the course of a few days.

The trick is to be adventurous with different tastes and textures, offer plenty of nutritious choices, and let your little one decide how much and what to eat.

Mealtimes shouldn't be a battleground, so try offering a choice of two or three nutritious foods and letting them eat what they want. If they start to play with their food or throw it off their tray, take it as a sign that they are finished and remove the food. Remember, picky eating is normal as long as your child appears to be healthy, but if you have any concerns, talk to your pediatrician.

Warning Signs of Developmental Delays

While every baby develops at their own pace, it's important to watch for warning signs of delays or problems in development. Some warning signs to watch for include:

  • Not crawling or walking
  • Not responding to sounds
  • Not making eye contact
  • Not babbling or speaking words
  • Not engaging in social interaction

If parents notice any of these warning signs, they should speak to their pediatrician or a child development specialist for an evaluation.

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Curious if Pick Up, Put Down is Right for You?
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Better Sleep Without Sleep Training is Possible
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Looking to Drop a Night Feed?
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Looking to Drop a Night Feed?
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Studies show new parents can lose as much as two hours of sleep every night after their baby comes!

“Thanks to the Smart Sleep Schedule, I’ve been able to follow my baby’s natural rhythm, and stick to the wake windows. This makes a huge difference in her ability to nap longer.”

Learn More
Tell us a bit about your baby’s sleep and we’ll create your custom plan – for free!
Studies show new parents can lose as much as two hours of sleep every night after their baby comes!
Looking to drop a night feed?

Tell us a bit about your baby’s sleep and we’ll create your custom plan – for free!

What parents tell us

Thanks to the Smart Sleep Schedule, I’ve been able to follow my baby’s natural rhythm, and stick to the wake windows. This makes a huge difference in her ability to nap longer.

Discover the Smart Sleep Schedule
in this article:


1. Establish a consistent nap and bedtime routine. 2. Follow a sleep schedule – the Smart Sleep Coach by Pampers can help you get your baby’s sleep in tune with their biological rhythm. 3. Keep bedtimes flexible – within an hour or so – when naps go well, you can use a slightly later bedtime, and use an earlier bedtime when naps don’t go so well.

While some babies may take their first steps at 13 months, others may not walk until they are closer to 18 months. It's important to encourage physical activity and provide opportunities for your baby to practice walking, but don't worry if they're not walking yet.

While most babies start speaking their first words between 12 and 15 months, some may take longer. However, if your baby isn't making any attempts to communicate with you, it's important to speak to your pediatrician.

Offering plenty of opportunities for social interaction, such as playdates and family outings, can help encourage your baby's social development. Responding to your baby's emotions with empathy and understanding can also foster healthy emotional development.

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How We Wrote This Article

The information in this article is based on the expert advice found in trusted medical and government sources, such as the American Academy of Pediatrics and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. You can find a full list of sources used for this article below. The content on this page should not replace professional medical advice. Always consult medical professionals for full diagnosis and treatment.


Dowshen, S. (2019). Major Milestones: Your 13-Month-Old Baby. https://www.healthychildren.org/English/ages-stag...

American Academy of Pediatrics. Social development: 1 year olds. https://www.healthychildren.org/English/ages-stag... [Accessed October 2020]

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Birth to 24 Months: Girls Length-for-Age and Weight-for-Age Percentiles, 2009.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Birth to 24 Months: Boys Length-for-Age and Weight-for-Age Percentiles, 2009.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (n.d.). Learn the signs. Act early. https://childrensnational.org/departments/center-...

UNICEF. Your toddler's developmental milestones: 1 year" by : https://www.unicef.org/parenting/child-developmen...

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